Frequently Asked Questions
Are you an abattoir?
No we are farmers and we outsource this to Dardanup Butchering Company also known as DBC.
Can we customise our cuts/order?
No, we send a spec sheet to the abattoirĀ based on what we need for the shop, the markets and our pies so at the moment we don't have capacity for this.
Do youĀ do quarters or halves?
No we don't as all our products have to be packaged and sealed to be able to be sold as a retailĀ product.
What sizes are your packages?
All our trays are a minimum of 1KG and can range up to 1.5KG. We do have the description of eachĀ sizeĀ on our online shop when you click on the product.
Do you use hormones?
No we don't. We are regenerative farmers and we don't use any artificial inputs on our land or animals.
Do you use Bovaer as a feed supplement?
No we don't, we are regenerative farmers and we don't use any artificial inputs on our land or animals.
Do you use pharmaceuticals?Ā
No we don't, we are regenerative farmers and we don't use any artificial inputs on our land or animals.
Do you sell beef suet?
We don't yet but we are working on this.
Do you sell marrow bones?
We do sell it in our shop and we will be adding it online soon.
Do you sell liver or organs?
No we don't as our processors can't guarantee our own organs back.
What are Dorper sheep?
They are just a specific breed of sheep bred as a meat sheep, they are self shedding and originate from South Africa by crossing the Dorset Horn and the Blackhead Persian sheep.
Is your meat Organic?
Our meat is organic, we are just not certified organic as we are in the process of being certified regenerative. We don't feel the need to use this term as we believe regenerative is a better term and better describes our purpose and what we want to achieve through our focus on the soil.
What is regenerative farming?
Our purpose is to focus on the soil so we can restore the soil and the ecosystem health, fix inequity and make sure our land, waters and climate will be in better shape for a more sustainableĀ future.
How long does it take to get your order?
We list our next meat delivery date through the online shop as we receive our meat back on a fortnightly basis.
How often do you deliver?
We deliver every fortnight.
Where do you deliver to?
From Perth and surrounding suburbs to Dunsborough, post codesĀ 6000-6281.
Can you pick it up in store?
Yes just select this option at checkout
How much is it for delivery?
It is a $40 delivery fee for orders under $200 but free for orders over $200.
Is delivery free?
Yes for orders over $200.